How to Play SpellBee

SpellBee is an engaging word puzzle game that challenges your vocabulary and word-finding skills. Create words using the given letters, with one special center letter that must be used in every word.

📋Core Rules

  • Words must be at least 4 letters long
  • Must contain the center letter (highlighted in yellow)
  • Letters can be reused to form words
  • No proper nouns or hyphenated words
  • Standard English words only

🎯Word Building

Create words by combining the letters shown. The yellow center letter is required for every word. Each letter can be used multiple times in a single word.

Example: If your letters are AELPST with center letter T, valid words include:
  • TALE (4 letters)
  • PLATE (5 letters)
  • STAPLE (6 letters - Pangram!)


Pangrams are special words that use all 7 letters at least once. Finding a pangram earns you bonus points:

  • Regular word points (1 point per letter)
  • Plus 7 bonus points for using all letters

🔥Building Streaks

Find valid words quickly to build streaks and earn bonus points:

  • 3 words within 10 seconds: +3 points
  • 5 words within 10 seconds: +5 points
  • 7 words within 10 seconds: +7 points
  • 10 words within 10 seconds: +10 points

⌨️Controls and Shortcuts

Keyboard Mode:

  • Type letters to enter words
  • Enter to submit
  • Backspace to delete
  • Esc to clear


  • Ctrl+H: Show hint
  • Ctrl+S: Shuffle letters
  • Ctrl+K: Toggle keyboard mode

📊Scoring System

  • 4-letter words = 1 point
  • 5+ letter words = 1 point per letter
  • Pangrams = Word length + 7 bonus points
  • Streak bonuses (3, 5, 7, or 10 words)


Progress through ranks based on your score percentage:

  • Queen Bee: 100% (All words found)
  • Genius: 70%
  • Amazing: 50%
  • Great: 40%
  • Nice: 25%
  • Solid: 15%
  • Good: 8%
  • Moving Up: 5%
  • Good Start: 2%
  • Beginner: 0%


Unlock special achievements for:

  • Finding pangrams
  • Building long streaks
  • Reaching high ranks
  • Playing consecutive days
  • Finding rare words

🆓Free & Unlimited

Unlike other games, SpellBee is completely free with unlimited puzzles! Play as many games as you want without restrictions or subscriptions. Enjoy a new challenge every time you play!

Pro Tips

🔍 Look for Patterns

Common prefixes (RE-, UN-, IN-) and suffixes (-ING, -ED, -ER) can help you find more words.

🎯 Focus on Pangrams

Finding pangrams early gives you a big point boost and reveals all possible letters.

⚡ Build Streaks

Save shorter, easier words for building quick streaks and earning bonus points.

🔄 Shuffle Often

Rearranging letters can help you see new word possibilities.